
Our Financial tables are automatically extracted from SEC filings that are filed with XBRL data.


Financials tabbed with dropdown


This output uses one call and automatically generates the tab interface with the historical dropdown.

Shortcode Breakdown
All of these settings and more can be found in Settings / B2i Options
[b2i_financials s="EAT" m="0"]
JavaScript API Breakdown

Financials with dropdown


This output uses one call and automatically generates the dropdowns for the historical and the financials type.

Shortcode Breakdown

All of these settings and more can be found in Settings / B2i Options
[b2i_financials s="EAT" m="6"]

JavaScript API Breakdown
Display single call for each section

One of the best parts of using our WordPress plugin is the ability to leverage other plugins for display mechanics. In this example, our plugin resides in a responsive tab structure. Display in tabs / separate pages/ etc

Shortcode Breakdown
All of these settings and more can be found in Settings / B2i Options
[b2i_financials s="EAT" m="1" sdiv="cash"]
[b2i_financials s="EAT" m="2" sdiv="income"]
[b2i_financials s="EAT" m="3" sdiv="balance"]
JavaScript API Breakdown